The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. |
--J.R.R. Tolkien
This is currently the fastest-growing section; I think Sam may have spilled some of Galadriel's dust around here somewhere. There are only four stories so far, but trust me, more are sprouting! Also check out my Lord of the Rings fan art.
The stories, in order of appearance:
What a Strange Idea Rated PG, Frodo/Sam. A light-slash, fluff piece written when I first figured out exactly why Frodo/Sam slash was so popular. First published around the first of February, 2002, and archived here April 27, 2002.
Cultivation Rated G. Frodo/Sam, nonslash with subtext. A conversation Tolkien didn't transcribe for us. First published in early February 2002, archived here April 27, 2002.
Cultivation-- en espanol Just because I can :) Chibi translated this for me, so if you speak Spanish, are like me and have vague memories of reciting "Hola, me llamo es..." in junior high, or are just curious, here's the same story (she promises me!) in another tongue. As far as I can tell, it's still rated G ;)
Stronger Rated PG, nonslash with subtext, Sam/Frodo. Sam reflects on the changes that they've been through in the course of the Quest. Originally published April 18, 2002; archived here April 27, 2002.
What If? Rated R (!), slash, Merry/Pippin. Written after reading one too many stories in which they called each other "cousin" in the heat of passion-- it just bugs me, OK? I know they are, and I love the pairing anyway, but... Written sometime in early February 2002, archived here April 27, 2002.
Sweet Darkness A combination ficlet and personal life update, this one was inspired by the amazing crop of wild blackberries I'm in the middle of out here. Mordorfic... a bright spot in a dark journey, you might say. Sam and Frodo, nonslash but not unslashable, rated G. Archived July 15, 2002.
A Family Affair A sequel to "Sweet Darkness." Rated G, sort of bittersweet. Slashable nonslash. Archived August 10, 2002
Far and Away A tale of a long-awaited journey. Rated G, rather longish (well, for me anyway), and like most of my LotR fic, slashable nonslash. Drama and a bit of angst. Archived August 26, 2002.