Acer canadensis' Forest of Fanfiction


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Video Library

This is the Vecchio-Fraser Family Video Library, which combines with "Photo Album" to create the Family Archives. These "Vid Clips" are simply interludes in the life of Abby and her dads that got too long to be legitimately called snapshots, so I broke out the camcorder instead. Same rules here as in the Photo Album: they're written as the muse sings, and the muse has a terrible sense of chronology. The lovely thing about snapshots and vid clips is that they're pretty self-sufficient, so it doesn't much matter what order they come in. Ain't life wonderful?

Day Off

14 K. Abbie is about four months old here, and her dads are about four months sleep deprived. Originally archived September 17, 2000; archived here May 10, 2002.

She Gets It From You

3 K. Two years old. Which side of the family is responsible for this one? Originally archived September 17, 2000; archived here May 10, 2002.


15K. Six years old. The stay-at-home dad goes back to work. Originally archived October 4, 2000; archived here May 10, 2002.

Christmas Present

6K. 6 years old. Abby makes a Christmas present for her dads. Originally archived January 18, 2001; archived here May 10, 2002.

Oh Dear

9K. 12 years old. One thing even Benny the Boy Scout wasn't quite prepared for. Originally archived March 18, 2001; archived here May 10, 2002.

Trick or Treat

5K. 5 1/2 years old. Abby dresses up. Originally archived May 11, 2001; archived here May 10, 2002.

The Inquisition

12K. 6 years old. Ray is away for the weekend, and Ben gets to field some interesting questions. Originally archived May 11, 2001; archived here May 10, 2002.

I See

12K. 11 years old. Abby's pretty much an incidental character in this one; the focus is on Ben and his difficulties with getting older. Originally archived September 3, 2001; archived here May 10, 2002.

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